Peer Respite and Support

Peer Respite and Support

What is peer respite?

A peer respite is a voluntary, short-term, overnight program that provides crisis assistance to people with mental health conditions. Peer respites are staffed by individuals living in recovery from mental illness themselves, or who have experienced trauma.

The Woodlands psychiatry and counseling is modeled to refer to a similar setting to a peer respite center, utilizing Peer Support Specialists with lived experience, who deeply understand what being in crisis feels like, and can provide unique insight on mental health recovery. With a peer respite model, we aim to create a more homelike and dignified setting from inside our psychiatric hospital. In addition to peer support specialists, we are staffed with psychiatrists, psych nurses, clinicians and others typically found in a comprehensive psychiatric practice.

Why peer support?

Along with traditional methods of psychiatry, at The Woodlands psychiatry and counseling, mental health services are delivered by peer support professionals, individuals who may have common life experiences with our guests. Peer support staff have a unique capacity to help based on a shared affiliation and deep understanding.

Studies find that peer-supported mental health care resulted in:

  • 70% fewer inpatient and emergency care usage hours
  • Average costs for psychiatric care dropped from $3,187 to $1,057 per individual
  • Greater improvements in self-esteem, self-rated mental illness symptoms, and increased social functionality
  • Statistically significantly improved healing, empowerment, and satisfaction

Source: Live & Learn, Inc. and Human Services Research Institute

How does peer support work?

At The Woodlands Psychiatry and Counseling, our peer support staff engage guests in mutual, respectful relationships. Our peer respite features close collaboration between mental health and medical health practitioners, as well as peer support professionals to provide support, education and guidance to individuals with mental health conditions and their families.

The peer support component of our program was designed to assist our guests in acquiring skills needed for long-lasting recovery from mental health conditions, as well as offer strategies to resolve other areas of concern in a person’s life – to help the individual rebuild a life worth living. Other aspects of living considered are physical health, independence goals, healthy sleeping, stress management, trauma, spiritual needs, and family or social connections.

Our focus is on wellness, holistic care, and successful community living. Peer respite is truly individual and respects to our patients right to participate and direct their own care.

Call (281) 383-9366 to schedule an appointment.

  For mental health inquiries
  Contact us either online or by calling (281) 383-9366