What is bipolar disorder?
According to Mental Health America, bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder affects 3% of the United states population, it is characterized by extreme highs and lows in mood and energy. While everyone experiences ups and downs, the changes of mood that happen in bipolar disorder are severe, and can seriously interfere with an individual’s relationships, their job and all aspects of life.
Infographic: Life With Bipolar.
What causes bipolar disorder?
While we don’t yet know the exact cause of the disorder, research points to both biologic and social components. Because bipolar disorder seems to run in families, but some individuals that are pre-disposed genetically to have the illness never develop the disorder. People may inherit the tendency to develop bipolar disorder, and may experience an environmental trigger such as a traumatic experience.
What are the signs and symptoms bipolar disorder?
Someone living with bipolar disorder experiences extended moods that are excessively high energy and irritable, called mania, to depression characterized my deep sadness and hopelessness, with periods of normal mood in between.
In a manic state, bipolar disorder causes a person to have a high level of energy, unrealistic thoughts or ideas, and impulsive or reckless behavior. Additional symptoms include euphoria, decreased need for sleep, aggressive behavior and sometimes signs of psychosis. These symptoms may feel good to a person, which may lead to denial that there is a problem.
An episode of depression can come after mania or after a period of normal mood, and includes symptoms such as sadness, changes in sleep, loss of interest, feeling guilty, hopeless or worthless, as well as thoughts of dying or suicide.
Treatment options for bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder can be extremely distressing and disruptive for those who have this disease, as well as their loved ones and employers. Although there is no cure, bipolar disorder is treatable, and recovery is possible. Individuals with bipolar disorder can and do have successful relationships, jobs and meaningful lives. The Woodlands Psychiatry and Counseling can help individuals with bipolar disorder find the right medication, therapy, lifestyle changes, and support system to help them return to productive, fulfilling lives.
Please call (281) 383-9366 today for more information.